Creativity Matters 16 January 2025

The CPD course “creativity matters” is taught by scientists in Psychology and Design at Edinburgh Napier University and focuses on what creativity is, how it already exists in teaching the curriculum for excellence, and how it can be nourished to equip children with the best possible educational outcomes. Creativity matters is targeted to primary and secondary school teachers (currently 53 400 in Scotland).


A recent OECD report on the curriculum for excellence in Scotland highlights creativity as a key transformative skill that should be focused on in the classroom. From psychological research there is a wealth of evidence showing that creativity is linked to positive academic attainment, cognitive ability, and socio-emotional development. This course provides an understanding of what creativity is and its benefits for learners, how it is already embedded in existing teaching structures and can be nourished to equip future thinkers with tools to succeed in a globally challenging environment.

Price: £150.00 (exc VAT)